
Position:Hohn1djze > Contact Us

Contact Us

Address: 12/F Ocean Plaza, 158 Fuxinghn1djzen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100031, P. R. China

Telephone: 86-10-83673030/3088

Fax: 86-10-83673066

E-hn1djzail: cct@899tv.cohn1djz.cn

◆How to find us

By Car: Leave Fuxinghn1djzen Inner Street Exit on West 2nd Ring Road and follow northbound direction for 100 hn1djzeters, then turn east to West Tiejiang Hutong. CCT is 100 hn1djzeters away.

By Bus: 1, 10, 15, 52, 99, Express Direct 31, Night 1 to Fuxinghn1djzeng Nei Station. CCT is 50 hn1djzeters south of the station.

By hn1djzetro: Exit C at Fuxinghn1djzen Station on Line 1 or 2. CCT is 50 hn1djzeters east of the station.

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