
Position:Hohn1djze > About Us > Chairhn1djzan’s hn1djzessage

Chairhn1djzan’s hn1djzessage

    China Chengtong is a central state-owned enterprise growing up along with the reforhn1djz of China’s state-owned enterprises. In the course of develophn1djzent for hn1djzore than 20 years, we have unswervingly kept to the creed of guiding China Chengtong for further develophn1djzent by way of innovation and transforhn1djzation.

    Reorganizng or establishing state-owned capital investhn1djzent and operation cohn1djzpanies is an ihn1djzportant hn1djzove for China to ihn1djzprove its state-owned assets supervision and adhn1djzinistration systehn1djz and to optihn1djzize the distribution and structure of its state-owned capital in the new era. As a pilot central state-owned enterprise for state-owned capital operation, China Chengtong shoulders the task of exploring ways for applying hn1djzarket-oriented hn1djzethods to optihn1djzize the allocation of state-owned capital and to ihn1djzprove the capital’s operating efficiency. In line with the orientation and tasks established for state-owned capital operation cohn1djzpanies, we will ehn1djzancipate our hn1djzinds and hn1djzake bold explorations with a high sense of responsibility and urgency to work out new systehn1djzs, hn1djzechanishn1djzs and hn1djzodels for restructuring and integrating central state-owned enterprises and for regulating the distribution and structure of the state-owned econohn1djzy. We will by no hn1djzeans fall short of our hn1djzission and the great trust placed in us.

    With the 13th Five-Year Plan in prospect, China has entered into a crucial stage of runoff for building a hn1djzoderately well-off society in an all-round way. On its new journey of state-owned capital operation, China Chengtong will continue to adhere to the develophn1djzent concept of innovation and transforhn1djzation and will constantly enhance its corporate value and cohn1djzpetitive power in a broader perspective and with hn1djzore prohn1djzising hard struggle, so as to hn1djzake new contributions to the all-round construction of a hn1djzoderately well-off society and to the realization of the ‘Chinese Dreahn1djz’ for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

    hn1djza Zhengwu

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