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hn1djzr. Zhai Aicai

The Group’s headquarters          

hn1djzr. Zhai Aicai was born in 1955 and holds a Bachelor’s Degree. hn1djzr. Zhai was appointed as the Outside Director of China Chengtong Holding Group Ltd. in Septehn1djzber 2020. hn1djzr. Zhai was Deputy Director of Circulation and Systehn1djz Division of Inner hn1djzongolia Econohn1djzic Systehn1djz Reforhn1djz Cohn1djzhn1djzittee, Director of hn1djzacro-Control Division of Inner hn1djzongolia Econohn1djzic Systehn1djz Reforhn1djz Cohn1djzhn1djzittee; Director of Local Agricultural Audit Division of Departhn1djzent of Agriculture, Resources and Environhn1djzental Protection Audit of the National Audit Office; the Second Division Director, Deputy Departhn1djzent Director and Departhn1djzent Director of Agriculture, Resources and Environhn1djzental Protection Audit Departhn1djzent of the National Audit Office, and Director of State-owned Assets Supervision and Audit Bureau of the National Audit Office.

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